ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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2022, Vol. 32, Issue 3
5 articles

Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

Diversity and ecological characteristics of algae in the water column of the large lakes of Danubian sub-basin (Ukraine) in autumn-winter season

Shcherbak V.I., Semeniuk N.Ye., Lutsenko D.A.
Algologia 2022, 32(3): 183–206
Abstract | Full text: PDF | Supplement: PDF

Aegagropila linnaei Kütz. (Chlorophyta), Paludicola keratophyta (Bory) M.L.Vis et Necchi (Rhodophyta) та Lychnothamnus barbatus (Meyen) Leonhardi (Charophyta) – candidates for inclusion in the Red Data Book of Ukraine

Berezovska V.Yu.
Algologia 2022, 32(3): 207–223
Abstract | Full text: PDF

Flora and Geography

Algoflora of the Kuyalnik Estuary: current state and long-term dynamics

Ennan A.A.-A.1, Shikhaleeva G.M1, Tsarenko P.M.1,2, Kiryushkina H.M1
Algologia 2022, 32(3): 224–250
Abstract | Full text: PDF

Marcophytobenhos of Beresansky Estuary, its costal waters and sea shore of Beresan Island

Tkachenko F.P., Artemenko А.О.
Algologia 2022, 32(3): 251–263
Abstract | Full text: PDF

New Taxa and Noteworthy Records

The first record of the representative of the genus Tenebriella (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) at Cape Kazantip (the Sea of Azov, Ukraine)

Mikhailyuk T.I.,Vinogradova O.M.
Algologia 2022, 32(3): 264–270
Abstract | Full text: PDF