ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 6 of 8
Algologia 2020, 30(4): 406–420
Flora and Geography

Species composition of algae small rivers of the North-Western Black Sea region

Mironyuk O.M., Tkachenko F.P.

The article presents the results of research on the species diversity of algae of small steppe rivers of the north-western Black Sea coast (NWBS). These are the rivers of Kohylnyk, Chaha, Sarata, Hadjider, Kuchurhan, Yahorlyk, Baraboy, Veliky Kuyalnik, Maly Kuyalnik, Kodyma, Tylihul, Tsarehol, Chichikleya. A total of 329 species (340 infraspecific taxa) of algae belonging to 8 divisions (Bacillariophyta, Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Euglenozoa, Ochrophyta, Charophyta, Dinophyta and Rhodophyta) were identified. The basis of the taxonomic structure of reservoirs are representatives of Bacillariophyta (40%), Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta (17% each), Charophyta (10.5%), Euglenozoa (10.2%). The total share of other departments is 4.1%. The Tylihul River had the most diverse composition of algae. It is one of the largest small rivers in the region, which dries up every year for a short period. According to the Sørensen-Chekanovsky coefficient, the greatest degree of similarity of the floristic composition of algae was established by pairwise comparison of the rivers of Sarata–Kohylnyk (0.614), Sarata–Hadjider (0.544), and Kohylnyk–Hadjider (0.517). These reservoirs are located in the Danube–Dniester interfluve, have almost the same mineralization and a similar hydrological regime. Among the identified algae species, only 12 are common to all studied rivers. New records for the NWBS were Peranema pleururum Skuja, Phacus platyaulax Pochmann, Monomorphina pyrum (Ehrenberg) Mereschkowsky and Euglena van-goori Deflandre. A rare species Spirulina flavovirens Wisl. was found in in the Kohylnyk River. Anabaena bergii Ostenfeld, Phacus alatus G.A.Klebs, Monomorphina pyrum, Pleurosira laevis (Ehrenberg) Compère, Campylodiscus bicostatus Smith ex Roper, Closterium dianae Ehrenb. ex Ralfs and Batrachospermum gelatinosum (Linnaeus) De Candolle are regionally rare species. In the ecological aspect, the waters of the studied small rivers can be characterized as brackish, poorly flowing, and alkaline. According to the level of organic pollution, they correspond to the β-mesosaprobic zone.

Keywords: algae, phytobenthos, floristic diversity, ecology, small rivers, north-western Black Sea region

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