ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 4 of 8
Algologia 2020, 30(4): 382–392
Flora and Geography

Microscopic algae of some lakes of the North-Western Black Sea coast (Ukraine)

Gerasimiuk V.P.

Paper summarizes information on the diversity of microscopic algae of 10 lakes of the north-western Black Sea coast (Bile, Kahul, Kartal, Katlabukh, Kytai, Pysarske, Sasyk, Safyany and Yalpug). A total of 339 species belonging to 135 genera, 62 families, 30 orders, 10 classes, 7 divisions were identified. The richest divisions were Bacillariophyta (198) and Chlorophyta (62) and Cyanophyta (40). Representatives of Euglenophyta (18), Charophyta (15), Ochrophyta (5) and Dinophyta (1) were less diverse. In the studied lakes, 13 new species were found for the Danube lakes and four species are first cited for the water bodies of the North-Western Black Sea Coast and the territory of Ukraine. Among them Pinnularia fonticola Hustedt is new record to Europe. Genera Nitzschia Hassall (26), Navicula Bory (15), Сymbella C.Agardh (9), Tryblionella W.Sm. (9), Desmodesmus (F.Chodat) An, Friedl et E.Hegew.(9), Caloneis Cleve (8), Gomphonema (C.Agardh) Ehrenb. (8), Euglena Ehrenb. (7), Cosmarium Corda et Ralfs (7) and Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont (7) formed the basis of the species composition of algae in studied lakes. Morphologically, 189 species are unicellular, 119 colonial and 31 multicellular algae. Of these, 157 species are known as motile and 182 as immotile forms. On different types of substrates different numbers of microalgae species were identified. 148 species grew epiphytically on macrophytes; on solid substrates, 42 species were revealed on concrete and 38 on stones. On the bottom, 110 species were found on silt and 41 on sand. In relation to the level of water mineralization in the lakes freshwater species dominated (281). They include 221 species of indifferents, 58 halophiles and 2 halophobes. Mesohalobes were represented by 52 species, six species are marine (polyhalobes). Lakes Yalpug (198 species), Kugurluy (198) and Katlabukh (192) were the richest in microalgae species.

Keywords: species, algae, microphytobenthos, phytoplankton, periphyton, lake, North-West Black Sea region

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